Publications, Conferences and Speaking Engagements

Who is afraid of Artificial Intelligence?January 2018Article,
FRTB: Data Challenges and Impact on InfrastructureLondon, Nov 2017The FRTB Data Challenge (Infopro Digital)
Conference Chair and PanellistLondon, May 2017FRTB Implementation Summit Europe (Risk.Net)
OTC Margining and Index TradingApril 2017Interview, Risk.Net
Margining and xVANov 2017Conference Quotation, Risk.Net
OTC Margining: Implementation and ImpactNew York, Nov 2016RISK USA
CVA in Energy TradingLondon, Nov 2016Credit Risk in Energy Trading - Conference(Marcus Evans)
Updating Counterparty Risk Systems to SA-CCRLondon, Nov 2016SA-CCR and IMM: Counterparty Risk and Capital Floors - Agenda (Marcus Evans)
Regulatory OTC MarginingLondon, Sep 2016Liquidity and Funding Risk Conference (Incisive Media)
SA-CCR - Methodology and ImplicationsJuly 2016Article, DerivSource.Com
Panellist, Understanding SA-CCRJune 2016Webinar, DerivSource.Com
Presentation: Approaches to Managing Counterparty Risk (SA-CCR)London, June 2016Approaches to Managing Counterparty Risk (Risk.Net Training)
Overcoming Operational and Technology Challenges: xVA and MarginingLondon, June 2016Initial Margin and Funding (Marcus Evans Conference)
SA-CCR – Understanding Implementation ChallengesMay 2016Webinar, DerivSource.Com
Strategic Integration of xVA, Margining and Regulatory Risk PlatformsAmsterdam, May 20162nd Annual Credit Risk Management Forum (GLC Europe)
Solving for the Data Challenge in Regulatory TechnologyLondon, May 2016London Regulation Roadshow
Panellist, Leveraging technology and improving data quality and transparency to ease compliance - Assessing the most successful and practical approaches to meet the looming regulatory deadlinesLondon, May 2016London Regulation Roadshow
Going from CEM to SA-CCR is your bank ready for quite a jump in terms of the IT infrastructure?London, April 2016Traded Risk Conference(Risk.Net)
Panellist, Challenging the SA-CCRLondon, April 2016Traded Risk Conference(Risk.Net)
Panellist, Getting ready for the fundamental review of the trading bookSingapore, March 2016Misys Connect Forum Finastra (formerly Misys)
Panellist, The IT challenges of the ongoing regulation burden, and Will capital markets survive?Frankfurt, December 2015Misys Connect Forum Finastra (formerly Misys)
Panellist, BCBS Risk Requirements - Understanding FRTB & SA-CCRWebinar, November 2015Webinar, DerivSource.Com
Panellist, Beyond rationalisation and regulation. How can you be ready for the FRTBLondon, October 2015Misys Connect Forum Finastra (formerly Misys)
Panellist, The latest developments in XVA- Best practice for practical and effective implementationLondon, September 2015Liquidity and Funding Risk Conference (Incisive Media)
Implementing a cross asset class CVA and xVA FrameworkVienna, May 2015Credit Risk Management Forum (GLC Europe)
Operational and Computational Challenges in Counterparty Credit RiskVienna, February 20158th Annual Banking Credit Risk Management Summit (Allan Lloyds Conferences)
The Role of Technology in Credit Risk ManagementVienna, May 20103rd Annual European Credit Risk Conference
Adaptive Portfolio Trading Strategies using Genetic AlgorithmsCRC Press, Dec 1998Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms: Complex Coding Systems (Editor: Lance D Chambers)